Consumption of alcohol and/or illegal  drugs by exhibitors during an event is prohibited.  Violators will be  asked to willingly leave the show grounds.  If they refuse and law  enforcement is required to remove them, they will not be allowed to  participate in any FRAPA event for the remainder of the year and may face expulsion.

  • Only members in good standing will be allowed to operate and display equipment at a FRAPA show. 

  • Members in good standing are those who meet the requirements of FRAPA and are a current paid members.

A copy of  these rules will be available at all shows.  The board of directors  reserves the right to modify or add safety requirements as necessary at  any sanctioned show.

Insurance Coverage for FRAPA:

The officers  and board of directors have changed our insurance carrier and our  coverage, since WAPPA is no longer in existence.  Our insurance is  now with the Philadelphia Insurance Companies and our agent is the Van  Gilder Agency here in Denver.  Our policy is for FRAPA board approved  events only.  The clubs that were a part of WAPPA will have to get their  own separate policies.